

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


We've been asking (and our agency has been asking) for an update on Hope.  Well, yesterday....we got an answer to prayer!

I had provided a list of 10 questions to see if we could get some news!

Here's what I received late last night! 

1. Is she walking by herself?  She is not walking by herself, she’s walking with walker now.

2. Any big illnesses since her episode in May 2014?  Since she had cerebral embolism on May 31, 2014, she’s not had big illness except colds.

3. Can she swallow food?   Yes, she is able to swallow food now.

4. What can she eat?  Zhang Wen Meng is eating noodle, soft rice, along with various vegetable and meat balls.

5. Has she received our 2 care packages?   Yes, got two care packages.

6. Are they preparing her for her new family?  Yes, since we received family pictures, we’ve been showing her the pictures every day, telling her these are her family members, her daddy, mommy, big brother(s) and big sister(s).

7. Does she drink from bottle? Cup? Use straw?  She is drinking from bottle, and we are training her use cup now.

8. What toys does she like? Play with?   She likes toys can make sound and dolls. She likes adults to play with her, interact with her.

9. Can she sit up by herself?  Yes, she can.

10. Is she still receiving therapy?  She’s been receiving therapy always. She can walk for about half an hour with walker now. She can say Baba, Mama, Ah, Dan Dan, etc.

Her updated measurements:
Height: 84cm; Weight: 10.5kg; Head: 50cm; Chest:50cm; Teeth: 20; Foot: 12.5cm.

Can you STAND it???  I can't!!!  So grateful learn a little more about our girl!  I know God is with her and has great things in store!

" For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

And check this out!!!

 My baby girl...using a walker!  You go little Hope! 

If you would like to be a part of Hope's can make a tax deductible donation towards her adoption at Reece's Rainbow.  Just click and visit here!  (we still need $16,000+ to get Hope home....)

Please continue to keep Hope in your prayers! 

Much love,

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