People! We are so close to getting our hands on's crazy! God has been all over this adoption!
There is no doubt that this entire journey was designed by God! He knew Hope would be our daughter! He knew she needed us as much as we need her!
One less.
There will be one less orphan in just a matter of days/weeks.
We received our I800 Provisional Approval yesterday in the mail! Woo whoo! This next part is...well...confusing at best.
Let's just say there are a few steps of emailing, calling, sending, emailing some more....all to end with what is called our "Article 5"....and after being issued our "Article 5"...we then wait for TA...Travel Approval...and then Adam LEAVES!!! This entire process can happen in the next few days!
I truly believe Adam will leave for China around the last week of this month....could be sooner...could be later. But I've always felt like it would be April...we'll see!
I've started the "pre travel" fluff and stuff! Got out the suitcase. Started putting what will go in said suitcase in the corner. Oh my's gettin' real!
The time is ticking away! Pretty soon that little girl all alone fighting for her life will have an entire family fighting with her! She will never be alone again. Praise God for His loving mercies!
I can't wait to see what God does in Hope's life! Our girl certainly has a purpose on this earth! And God is moving mountains to get her home! He has blown us away by His faithfulness that if we would step out in faith to help one of HIS children...that He would be faithful to walk along beside us!!!
I love watching God move people....what a honor to be apart of this journey!
Stay's gettin' good! Hang on sweet girl......Daddy's coming to bring you home!