

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Perfect Gift

Over 15 years ago....early October I was eating lunch in the back room of the store I was working in (Casual Corner) and had the TV on catching up on the noon news. 

I just happened to catch the "pet of the day" segment.  They had a sweet little boy kitty named "Donovan".  He was lying in a woman's a baby on his back....and just as I was watching this clip....Donovan took his little hand and put it on that lady's cheek.  Sigh.  That little fella was speaking to me!!!

After a couple of days of not being able to get him off my mind....I called the humane society where he was located to see if anyone had come forward to adopt him.  Nope.  He was still waiting.  I pretty much decided then and there that he was MINE!  The girls that worked for me had heard that I was smitten with this kitty and that I was hoping to claim him as my own!  So they got together and donated all the money I needed to adopt him as my upcoming birthday present!  YEAH!!  How awesome is that?

Now fast forward 15 1/2 years.....I can tell you that last Tuesday was one of the hardest days of my life.  I had to say goodbye to the love of my Donovan.  I loved that cat more than life itself.  He had been with me longer than anyone (except of course immediate family) he had been the man in my life for years....way before Adam.  He had seen me through so many huge events/obstacles...he was the comfort I needed even when I didn't know I needed it.  He never left my side if I was sick.  He slept with me every single night and was the first one to greet me every single morning. 

My boy was loyal.  He was the most loving cat I ever had the privilege to know.  He truly loved me.  We used to joke anytime we weren't home....I'd ask Adam..."what do you think Donovan is doing right now?"....Adam's standard response would always be..."staring out the window waiting for you to come home"....gotta love that man of mine.

I have mentioned him before on the blog but it's been a long time ago....I talked about what an unhealthy relationship I had with this precious critter!  You can read about it here.

Needless to say, I am heartbroken.  But my baby boy is healthy and happy and waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge....I know he is. 

If I had 100 more cats...I would never ever have another Donovan.  He was truly one of a kind.  And I'm so thankful that I had the privilege of being his mommy for over 15 years.....what a blessing he was to me.  I am forever changed by the love of this precious kitty.

So, if you make it to Heaven before me....could you please give my boy a squeeze or a scratch around the neck from his mommy and tell him I'll see him soon! 

Donovan was indeed....the perfect gift.

1 comment:

  1. I have those unhealthy relationships with my pets, too. Several cats who have left me heartbroken when they've gone, and now my dog. That's part of why I wanted to get a dog - I get too attached to my cats, and I didn't think I would to a dog! I can't wait to get to Heaven and have a big ol' reunion with my cats, and get to snuggle them forever! :-)
