

Friday, September 21, 2012

April? June?

We finally have some news regarding Lucy's right ear.  The Cholesteatoma inside her right ear has grown.  Ugh.

The surgeon says we need to have surgery within the next 6 to 12 months.  Shoot!  I'd like to have that surgery today! 

The surgeons like to have approximately 6 months inbetween surgeries.  Since Lucy's left ear surgery is next week....this would put us around the first of April for Lucy's right ear. 

So much to consider.  The CAM surgery (combined atresia/microtia surgery) will require us to remain in CA for 3 weeks.  I can not leave my other kiddos behind for 3 6 for California!  Needless to say, Adam and I want this second surgery asap for Lucy.  April?  June? 

Decisions, decisions.  

The CAM surgery is basically 2 surgeries in 1 location.  And we are so grateful that that is even an option!  Dr. Reinisch and his team will fly to Dr. Roberson and his team!  Dr. Roberson will go first and clear out the Cholesteatoma and see what can be done regarding an ear drum and ear canal...once his job is done....Dr. Reinisch and his team begin building the outer ear.   Amazing. 

This surgery will be basically double what we just raised for the first surgery!  Which is to be expected.....2 surgeries in 1. 

Going to get the paperwork going on the second surgery but trying to focus on the first one....for now!  I think I'll feel better once we have both surgeon's booked for her second surgery.....knowing we have a plan.  Praying for God's leading.

We will be doing LOTS of fundraising in the upcoming months! So stay tuned! As always prayers are appreciated!

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