

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Surgery center

We arrived at the surgery center a few minutes grateful to be early and not late!  Thank you Donna!

We got Lucy registered and headed to the second floor. 

After a few minutes they called us back (and Donna took Keegan out to get breakfast) so Adam and I went back to help get Lucy ready! 

She seemed to love her jammies!  (Darcy...not a problem!)

 Please check out the snappy sock/shoe things!  Very cute!  And please notice the cuteness of the patient!

Lucy was sure to let the nurse know that the flap was too long on her wrist band....had to get that cut off!

They gave me a small....tiny little cup of happy juice to give Lucy....I didn't get no happy juice. 

They warned us she might get a little silly.  However, they failed to mention she might get a little violent!

She was quite hilarious!  She laughed and laughed and nearly tore the bears legs off! 

She did really well....I did pretty well!  At one point, she seemed to get a little overwhelmed and needed comforting from her momma....that's when it hit me!  I got a little teary but never cried! 

Adam was trying to take her picture and she kept blocking the camera with the bear.....and cracking herself up!  Love my girl!

A little tired now.......

Being wheeled out........please continue praying for her throughout the day!

We love her surgeon and his staff!  They anticipate her surgery to last 8 to 9 1/2 hours......ugh. 

I'll keep you posted....they are to call me around 9am (CA time) and approximately every 1 1/2 hours throughout surgery.....

5:45am arrived at surgery center

6:45 taken back to change

7:10 given happy juice

7:30 Dr. R arrives and Lucy is wheeled off......

8:40 Dr. Reinisch is getting started....

10:28 Dr. Reinisch has completed the 2 skin grafts and is shaping them for her ear....she is doing well they said.  (this momma is having a hard time with this part.....)

10:38 Franchesca (the PA) just came out and said Lucy was doing great and her part is done....the skin graft in the groin area is not too big....they are making her a small ear since she's so tiny.  They used one of the surgeon's ears as a guide!  Lucy will have Dr. Kim's ear as a prototype!  She said Lucy's graft site shouldn't be too tight!  They have already done the dissection on the "flap"...this is the issue that is brought down from above her ear....that wraps around the ear frame....they dissect the membrane and let it rest so the blood vessels don't retract....during this time Dr. Reinisch forms the Medpor (the frame) to implant.

11:53 Dr. R continuing to shape the graft for the ear and working on cleaning up the left ear site....all going well!  Praise God!


  1. I never even thought about size! Will it grow with her, or stay about the same?

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