

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sweetface *and more updates

Surgery is underway!  They started about an hour ago! 

*Just received another call....catheters are in place, Keegan is doing well, and they are continuing on...

**They are trying different medicines...trying to get Keegan's heart to go into SVT so they can locate the extra electrical pathway.....continuing to try meds....

***They found a medicine that made her heart go into the abnormal rhythm...they located the extra pathway and they are freezing it.  (which means if they are freezing...then the pathway is in a more delicate location....)  But she is still doing well.  Oh, and the extra pathway is on the right side of the heart!  (better than being on the left)

****They are "testing and waiting, testing and waiting" and from what I understand this can take quite a while.  They obviously want to make sure they take care of business (or as much as they can safely) while they are in there!  But sounds like everything is progressing nicely!  Praise God! 

*****About 15 minutes after that last update, they came and got us and said we could talk with her surgeon and then see Keegan!  Needless to say, we didn't know it would happen that we were throwing it all together to get back to her as fast as humanly possible!!

The surgeon said it all went great!  She was very pleased and very happy with the results!  Due to the location of the extra pathway she was not able to "burn" the area since it was so close to the heart's normal conduction she froze the site.  Overall the surgeon said she was very pleased with the way it all went! 

Can I tell you that every single person that helped us today was wonderful!  And everyone LOVED Keegan!  She has a fan club now at Central Baptist Hospital!!!

Keegan had to stay in recovery for 4 hours....she slept forever....but eventually woke up and ate and ate and ate!!! 

We are now home and she is resting on the sofa!!!  Praise God for being with my girl all day!!  So happy it's over!!  She will lay low for a few days and be back to school on Monday!!!  (Good Lord willing!!!)

Thank you for all the prayers today....and everyday!!!

Thank you for the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! So glad it went well. I was praying for her! She's like me - I am slow to come out of the anesthesia - it's such good deep sleep!
