

Monday, October 1, 2012


There's a little ear healing under that blue cap.  My precious angel has an ear!  The unveiling will be October 11th at 8am, California time!  I can't wait to see it in person!!

Lucy continues to do amazingly well!  I swear it's like she didn't even have surgery.  Oh, to be young!

Lucy and I fly back to LA next Tuesday with my friend, DeAnne, in a hostage.

Can't wait!!  We are so close to having this surgery behind us!  Then we can focus on the holidays and fundraising for the 2nd and 3rd surgeries!

Yes, you read that correctly.  Second and third. 

After more research, talking to surgeons, etc....we have decided that Lucy's Atresia surgery (inside the ear) and the Microtia (outer ear) will be done separately.  This will mean less time in California, therefore less expenses, the surgeries will actually be cheaper, better for healing to have them done separately. 

We are hoping to have the Atresia surgery done over spring break next spring.  Waiting to get the numbers on that surgery. 

Please be sure and keep Lucy in your prayers!  (And pray for discernment for the parents!!)

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