

Friday, May 24, 2013

A new day

Looks who's up and about???  Lucy slept pretty good last night!  Praise God!!!

Of course, her sleep schedule is all messed up after sleeping (being out) most all of yesterday.  So when she woke up this morning...quite early...I tried to get her to lay back down.  Nope.  She cried and said "nana tella"....which means a banana with nutella please.  You got it!

So she ate an entire banana with nutella and then settled back into the bed for some computer time!

The rest of the kids slowly woke up and everyone was very excited to see Lucy a little back to normal!

Keegan had a hard time yesterday seeing Lucy "out of it and upset" broke her heart and she had to have a little crying spell of her own.  Love Keegan's soft heart and compassion for others. 

We headed down to the breakfast area and Lucy drank some milk and had an egg.  Looks like the appetite is in tact!  And all her "systems" are working nicely if you know what I mean! 

We are letting Lucy set the pace for the day.  Gonna rest a little this morning.  Lucy has a follow up appointment with Dr. Reinisch this afternoon and I feel a trip to the American Girl store is in order. 

So thank you for the continued prayers!  We appreciate every single one of them!  I felt them all yesterday.....thanking God for His comfort and peace yesterday! 

Love you all!  Stay tuned....I'll have some pictures and update from the doctor later today!

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