

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


What an angel!  This girl....I tell ya. 

Lucy's doctor said that there was an area where the "flap" had died....he replaced with new "flap" and a small skin graft from the groin area.  From the previous surgery there was sort of a pucker place at the end of the skin graft they took that small pucker, removed it, smoothed out that area and used the small piece of skin they removed for the ear.  They also did a little work on the "bowl" part of the ear!

I tell you, I love these people.  They do amazing work!  They change the lives of children every day.  What a blessing they are! 

We have a follow up appointment with the doctor on Monday.  They hope to know whether the new tissue/skin is taking.  Please say a prayer that this works and Lucy is done with ear #1!!! 

We truly are so grateful for all the thoughts and prayers for our Lucy (and her momma)!  Love you all! 

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